Friday, July 15

USA: Prologue - Frankfurt

Time: 0700 local time
Place: Frankfurt International Airport

Its a long story. Or rather, a long beginning to the relatively long epic that is going to follow over the next few weeks.

It (the pre-SEP wandering trip) started off in predictable fashion - a bittersweet goodbye at Terminal 3 of Changi Airport. Its a matter of 5 months of not seeing everyone; so finally I can truly empathise with my classmates who went overseas in the previous semester. Still can't fully empathise with those who actually go overseas to study, though. But through extrapolation I think I have a better idea.

Anyway, goodbyes' are always tough; and I'd hoped that the moment I boarded the plane I can look forward. Both to this trip and to returning home in the more distant future.

It was not exactly to be as the plane ride was, by far, the least exciting trip I've ever been on.

I wasn't even that keen to keep track of the hours on board, so I can't even tell you how long I slept. I think it was a decent length anyway, because by the time I woke up, the suns rays were seeping through the open aircraft window shades. And a few hours (and 2 more movies) later, SQ026 began its descent upon Frankfurt International Airport.

Sadly, we had to disembark temporarily, so there will be some stoning in Frankfurt later for some time.

I think this is where, ironically, the excitement began. So I'm really beginning to wonder if I'm on exchange at the right University. For some reason, something inside my mind exploded "Hey! That's Heidelburg (on the map)! I've been there!"

And also the curious fact that I'm not too far away from Daniel (and the now Mrs) Hach. Had this crazy idea of calling them from the airport. Then I realised I don't have their number. So I'll settle for being in the same state as my German friends, perhaps. At least for a few hours.

We had to go through security checks once more - makes me realise that perhaps the security at the US is truly quite tight. I'm sure that there'll be some sort of CIA level surveillance later in NY; if even here in Frankfurt the security is so tight. All necessary anyway; no arguments here.

Another reason why Germany is so attractive - German. I said 'Dankeshon' to the security official and he asked, surprised, "Sprechen Sie Deutsch?", and happily I replied "Bischen". ("Thank you", "You Speak German?", "A little"). So had a little chat with him for awhile (in English) before going over towards the new gate.

I think it is a further 8 hours or so to NYC. Time to start reading the Lonely Planet.

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