Tuesday, August 15

Going it MYself.

Today i'm on off. In lieu of National Day. But fair, i spend National Day at work - its still considered work - and i get to spend the feast of the Assumption of Mary at home. Fair trade, cos i'm quite glad for this welcome break.

Break not only from work, but stressful "play". Just took in the time today at home. Therapeutic. And tmr i'm ready to go upshift again! Yay! Back to my favourite Island! Wahaha..

Refreshed. Feeling Educated, Knowledgeable.

Managed to practise Javascript today; made a script to help timetable planning. The cook always gives a positive review. So i think it was a fantastic script. And i think it shows much promise to better life down at the Office.

Which makes me think. USMS (suggestions to the improvement of workers condition) at the office. There's an obligation to send in 8 per year. I hvnt had any. And now i know why.

I saw the bathroom at bunk didnt hv place to hang clothes; i bought those stick-on hooks for hanging clothes.
I saw it was troublesome to plan a shift forecast, i did the JS script to do it for those involved.

And all this in 1.5 months here.

I should be excused from USMS. I'm independent. Not that i'm too arrogant to ask for help. More that i don't like to trouble other people with something that i think i CAN do myself. Its just that as yet, i don't see any problem around the office that cannot be handled by itself. As long as the superiors give space to implement our own changes, there's no need for obligatory USMS. It just encourages dependence.

And the irony is that the ones that are too big to handle, e.g. Washing Machine on Pawai? or probably too big to handle for them, even.

Latest USMS - don't hv enough variety of vegetables brought up/ no fruits.

Freak. I really don't think of USMS. I'm more enthusiastic about learning a bit about agriculture. Vegetables can be freaking grown, for crying out loud.

On a brighter note, i hv no idea where last week's inspiration to write what some call a poem (which i dont see rhyming) came from. But it felt nice to let go of my Mathematical Nature and embrace a different nature. If i were more Mathematical at point of writing that perhaps it would hv sounded more like "she's perfect because she matches every single one of my criteria". which is not nearly half as romantic.

On an even more brighter note (yes i threw grammar out of the window along with my pink IC) i am going up to PAWAI again! yay! or have i already mentioned that?

Anw, its a weekend shift so i'm "trapped" for this weekend. Though tmr is my 5th and "provisional" shift - after tmr, if all goes well, i can stay out and finally tap into the full use of my time.

Maybe Driving? or Badminton? or Tuition to keep my mind active. So many choices..

But now, Church!!!!!!!!! Really YAYYY! waahahahaha!


Friday, August 11

For Her.

My mum asked me, What do you like Most about her?

And i thought.

I KNEW i liked everything about her.

But what do i like MOST about her?

Is it her enchanting eyes, which first captured my vision?
Is it her beautiful dimpled cheeks, which first enticed me nearer?
Is it her melodious voice, which first caused my heart to sing?
Is it her lovely face, which first told me how lucky i am?

OR is it her honest, pure and loving heart that never fails to love everyone around her, and especially me?

I think its the fact that in fullfilling all the criteria above, I believe that God loves me so much to send her to me. And i'll be forever thankful to Him for that, no matter what He has in store for me.

Happy Anniversary My Darling...

Thursday, August 3

A Thought Too Farrr

Move over Sungei Buloh.. These are REAL mangroves. Ones that have survived bullet-fire... High tide actually, the sea recedes abt 50m during low tide..

Paradise off an offshore island off the south coast of Singapore.

The heavens show their rage on the innocents down below walking along the long jetty into the open sea.. The heavens are beautiful even in anger...

Those are a few pictures of MY island (note the possesive element involved in saying that). Even though its far from being MY island. Far, due to an ORD date (which IS welcomed, don't worry) and a rank far below Major General (a major-general's pay is DEFINITELY most welcomed).. Civil Servants in High Places in Singapore get a lot of money.. quite surely more than other countries around us where (if) corruption is abound. More even when the total sum of earnings is considered..

(Roger Federer Beat Rafael Nadal in Wimbledon final)

Food for thought, its said. But its also said don't think too much.

I was thinking about smthg i once read in a blog. 2nd degree friend, in friendster terminology. The Hund's Rule concept applicable on SBS/TIBS/CSS etc. Every Singaporean (especially those who hv gone out as a couple, hetero or otherwise) would know how Singaporeans tend to follow the Hund's Rule when choosing seats on a bus..

(Roger Federer Beat Rafael Nadal in Wimbledon Final)

Note, i'm not sure as to whether i'm quoting the right rule here, its been some time since i last studied that quantum thingies.. correct me if i'm mistaken please. n show me the little thing called Evidence! muahaha.. okay i'm officialy looney!! lalala..

I'll come back to that later.. (looney-ness)

Anw, i personally find it irritating when i see one person especially on the MRT sitting in the middle of a threesome of seats. i.e. _____ (IDIOT) _____.

So i find it pretty amusing when i saw a white couple (father and little daughter) decide to educate one of the pple out there.. i.e. Father (IDIOT) Daughter.

and not hesitate to talk to one another over the (now-no-more-an-idiot)... good work. now, another 4,499,991 to go. I think i took note of my friends (who AREN't antisocial idiots..) muahhaha..

thats the word - antisocial. we tend to need that rhineland-like territory to protect us from all the other ugly and rude singaporeans. so funny wahahaha again cough cough..

Looney-ness - its a wonder. wonder how people survive 2 yrs of NSF life. glad i don't have to go thru it (only 1yr10mth wahahaha lame). but seriously, they shld conduct a study: brainscans wld be necessary so see WHICH part of army life shrinks your brain... BMT? SISPEC (wld explain a lot *evil grin*)? or the sheer dullness of Fatigue work (aka SaiKang).

(Roger Federer Beat Rafael Nadal in Wimbledon Final)

The word Almost-Sgt Raja used was "erode". which is apt. He did use the word Brainscan too.. bah..

Randomly i think i'm going to change my blogskin. boooorrrreeeeddd of it. need mi photoshop though.. urf..

and here's another few pictures..

The most Lau Jiao on the Island. Been there 9 yrs. Even longer than DB-legend A. Tan. His name is Nicky alias The Veteran alias The Legend.

And this is Nicole aka Retarded Bitch. not being vulgar. just honest. and its her fault if this blog takes time to load because her picture is so big in megabyte size for some absurd reason which i dont know nor care to know. ahh heck..

So listen boys and girls.. or rather just you boys out there.. when you do your NS in a couple of years time, and are rolling in the mud, doing SOC or being forced to drink tooth-paste water from your helmet, or even getting service pay, think of me. think of the time you chanced upon my blog. muahahahaha. think. (i sound like a mad scientist.. muahahaha)

(Roger Federer Beat Rafael Nadal in Wimbledon Final)

oh yes. it'll be appreciated if u girls could offhandedly remind your brothers whenever they get exceptionally irritating. yes..

But i'm humane. i'll tell u the secret to my 'success'..

"Arse Luck".


oh yes. and my brother wants to remind you guys that Roger Federer beat Rafael Nadal in Wimbledon Final.

Out for real.

Tuesday, August 1

Island History

Yay i'm so happy. Uni term is starting!

But wait. its starting without me, dammit..

oh well, i guess i hv to maximise my time spent in pawai trying to learn stuff eg. cooking, gardening, cleaning.. yawn, usual army stuff. and i realised that actually, pawai is the name of a city in india.. hope not a namesake.. it'll be quite interesting to go research one of the lesser-known islands of singapore..

there are plenty of stories eg. ancient civilisations that used to be greater than rome and an army more vicious than the mongols are there to be found/formed. and there are plenty of ancient ruins to base our claims/stories upon.

i didnt take a hike thru pawai yet, they say its 500m long.. tiny, yes.. haha..

any case i hv pics of my friends on pawai, but i hv to make sure i dont include any equipment.

hmm wonder if the tv and the monopoly set is considered among them...

Can't upload pics for some reason.. maybe i try later..

for now, ciao.. so busy i am.

yes, while i'm super free during work hours esp whence in pawai, i'm super busy in the rare occasion that i'm home.. though it seems that my days tend to clear up when pple cancel. hai complicated.

and ya, i'm blogging less...
