Friday, March 19

Moving on...

With regards to the previous post, and considering the bout of epic carelessness, i'm happy to say that it didnt cost me the whole 7% - only about 5%. And that being considered, i'm still above the mean. Which just goes to suggest that i probably did exceedingly well for the other questions. And hence, i'm very glad.

Overall, i'm very satisfied with all my results, even if i'm still barely in the 2nd quartile of the DSC2003 cohort - the module in which the epic bout of carelessness struck. The rest of the modules have been kinder, and hopefully i will see myself picking up a few A's this sem. Even considering the fact that i actually bet against myself doing so. Either way i'm happy in some way, right...

Again, moving on...

I got to get rid of this habit of procastination. I always keep saying that i can always do it tomorrow. But soon, tomorrow will be the deadline for that, and then today will be a mad rush of N assignments. grr..

And i got to get my life more balanced out. People keep calling me "imba". Imbalanced. Not good. Though perhaps if i actually question the context, i would see that its a compliment.

Ok it is a compliment.

But physically, very weak. Losing muscle mass too fast.

Ok. enough procastination. to work now.

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