I really didnt know that Fate reads my blog. And i definitely didnt mean to tempt Fate when i suggested that I'd probably get a decent grade barring a bout of unforeseen carelessness.
But apparently Fate took it as a temptation, and i really didnt mean it that way. Nevertheless, i shall refrain from tempting Fate subsequently to minimize the possibility that i will screw up a midterm (almost failing, probably) purely out of carelessness.
It is the second time i've completely mis-read a question during a mid term. And this time it's cost me a good 7% off my final grade (as opposed to 2% the last time). So i reckon its just praying for leniency from the markers for someone who does know his stuff but does not know how to read Minimise from Maximise.
And to stave off complacency for all subsequent examinations.
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