Friday, October 19


I'm done with Pawai. No more pawai dogs and their puppies. No more court maintenance. No more pristine island.

Had a ritual involving throwing away my pawai toothbrush and paste, in a symbolic representation of the death to this stage of my life. A lot of plus points to look forward to, so i shall ignore the sadness of leaving behind the island. One of the plus points is myORD. Coming soon in 17 days. And to consider that i actually have 5 days of leave, 7.5 days of off-in-lieu, and 6 days of weekend to look forward to... Well you do the math.

I hv to start thinking of what to do after ORD.

I just read the last book of adrian mole series. Its weird cos it sorta speaks (to me) about a sort of escapism from reality. How we might tend to imagine to want stuff that we can never have and never will be ours, perhaps a subconscious yearning for drama; a yearning nt to be happy.

I guess its all fine and dandy to hv a little bit of this craving for excitement, so long as we can see the little, and big, things in front of us making our days tick.

"happy people don't keep diaries"

Well i wish adrian mole all the best.

And i hope jacen solo returns from the dark side (which i know is not gg to happen, at least not in the next 5 books of "The Legacy of the Force" series.)

Just came back from squadron makan session. prob will be the last time i'm seeing most of the guys in SI. Awww.. soo sad. riiight..

I think its good that now i wouldnt be forced to stay with pple i can't stand.


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