No. This is not me eating humble pie and succumbing to the ignomity of accepting someone else's design for MY blog. This is me seeing the urgent need to let this blog be seen/read by those out there who insist on this wonderful tool that is Mozilla Firefox. Me, not knowing too much about this marvellous tool that apparently surpasses IE severely, thus had to rely on someone else's design while i adapt to this new revelation that MY previous template could not be read properly by M.F. (see tagboard for details). Sorry for any inconveniences caused.
On the other hand, I'm sure I'd be up and ready with a new and "bold" design by next week. I will use my endless free time (that comes to an end this mid-June) to attempt to try to change the layout of MY blog. Note the assertiveness of my claim on MY blog; which is directly related to my resilience in accepting another's artwork to frame.
I have to admit, I hate, loathe, absolutely despise this new system of weekends that I'm getting - my weekend comprises Sunday and Monday. Good? (refer to previous posts) now to add to that.
In the past - Sunday is Family Day. Saturday is Friends/GF Day. Quite good, actually; going out on a Saturday doesn't feel so bad, Sunday - well, quite blue day. So it's good to stay home on Sunday.
But now, both Sunday and Saturday compress into ONE day. Both family and friends, exception sally (not her real name...), work on Monday, as is with most Singaporeans. Quite stressful. Why can't those little brats in the Uniformed Groups in the Parade still have exams on?? Then at least rehearsals would end earlier and yay.. that's marvellous news!!!
Grr.. And i've realised the true wayang-ness of a Parade. The word itself is a give-away. Parade = Show. Show = Wayang.. No wonder the SAF takes such pride in the NDP.. grr.. National Day Wayang..
Of all the idiocies (don even noe if there's such a word) of carrying a rifle incapable of despatching a bullet and show it off proudly in front of Mr President. Who doesn't look as though he cares... grr.. I'm sorry. Maybe its a wayang (show) of troops discipline. Again i guffaw. Discipline! HAHAHA!!!
This show with Pte A. Chia next to me - more famous by his success as D-coy Worst Recruit. Sorry, normally I don't talk behind backs. but i think i'll make an exception as i think it won't make a difference whatsoever to him.
Anyway, I think i'll go off now. Been thinking of the past alot recently. all the way back from sec 2... a bit of flashbacks here and there.. ahh yes.
OK. Camp is beckoning. (and grey's anatomy). Ciao,
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