Thursday, September 15

Where There is a JC2 Massacre Week 1

Quick update on exam timetable:

Monday 12/9: Maths C Paper One
  • Not too hard, but it was much harder than i had expected. But overall manageable with onli one careless mistake SO FAR that i've seen that might be worth 1-4 marks cut. depending on whether teacher is nice or nasty...

Tuesday 13/9: Chem Paper Three

  • Forget Friday the Thirteenth, here's Tuesday the Thirteenth. a horrid paper set with one purpose in mind - to convince all who dare approach it that chem is not for them. i could practically hear the paper yelling at the top of its voice "drop chem, drop chem..." Think i lost minimum 50% of the marks. where does tt put me? obviously, i was in a very bad mood the rest of the day.

Wednesday 14/9: Physics Papers One and Two

  • Going into this was like going into a battle after a horrendous defeat the previous day. like japan gg thru the battle after losing midway. key here was to keep calm, relax, dont think abt yesterday (chem III). i succeeded in that. redemption. at least for physics. hopefully.

Thursday 15/9: Chem Paper Two

  • Felt like a waste of time, gg to school today, for two reasons. reason 1: its a half-hour paper. reason 2: chasing an A for chem is already chasing a lost cause. but went for it all the same. n yes! it wasnt as hard as paper three. hopefully on track now, looking for paper one. but there's temporary redemption, n hope exists. but i dont aim too high now.

Friday (tomorrow) 16/9: Maths Paper Two

  • Mechanics, Statistics, Applied Maths. should be playing up my strengths? hopefully there'll be minimal integration (yucks!). i hope the mechanics questions wld be all right. i quite intend to do the applied maths section. hurhur.. after all, diversity is encouraged. actually must go n study the mechanics parts. i'm a bit shaky in the Maths C mechanics. Power, Projectile (so many formulae), Motion, Variable Acceleration... i think these are the harder few. but thankfully dont hv rubbish that can grow on u like SHM or Vertical Circular Motion. not yet at least. that battle will be waged on next thursday, the day i declare war on the last section on chem. right now, chem is the scariest subject anw.. hopes...

Cheers~ n peace.

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