Saturday, September 24

Post-Exam Depression?

No typo, i did say post-exam depression. is it a possible scenario? is it possible for one to actually get depressed due to the end (or rather, in my case, pseudo-end) of exams? Because i was feeling down for a long time today and a large portion of yesterday... now why?

Post exam depression could be an offshoot of boredom. Boredom due to a sudden removal of a 'purpose' in life. Maybe. Before exams, one studies (cough cough) hard so that one can get the grades, duh... but then after the exams, no reason to study anymore. is that a possible explanation?

No. Because, technically, its untrue to say we 'A' level students hv lost our cause/purpose in life - the bloody 'A' level paper is in one bloody month's time. (Its a startling revelation, isnt it?). Besides, not all of us would actually have Studied excessively due to exams right? right??

Anw, i think Post-Exam Depression, or rather, i should name it "inter-exam depression", is a result of there being too many things to do. Unfortunately, as fate should have it, these many things for us to do are inappropriate to do due to the "inter-exam" status quo.

For our exams havent truly ended. Its an illusion springing from the fact that subconsciously we know that the hard stage is over - prelims. "'A' levels is a snitch isn't it?". so.. we WANT to do stuff. but we can't. cos we know deep down, the freaking exams arent over. bah...

But then, this wld be specified as "inter-exam depression". So okay, i'm (or rather was) suffering from inter-exam depression. So does Post-Exam Depression exist?

I think it does. At least for me. But in this case, its more like.. There's sooo much to do, yet so little time to do it. And it becomes one huge mess... Like after "O' levels. That, was hectic. I even commented that post exam is more stressful than exam. True to a certain extent anw..

Anw, anybody suffering from post exam depression inter-exam depression, fret not, post post exam depression elation does exist.

anw, enough abt P.E.D.

yeah man, its not even true. more like PPED (pseudo-post-exam-depression) - still got Maths S on monday. smack in the middle of nothing. i want to go out!! please my friends, if u read this... i'm dying at home... falling steadily into the abyss of darkness, being dragged down the boulevard of broken rubber dreams..

Drama sial..


cheers~ n peace.

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