Friday, May 13

Friday 13th

Normally im superstitious, honestly. but this friday 13 wasnt too bad. in fact, it was quite a good friday the 13th.

random point: we started mechanics chapter 13 today.

anw, more on todays events later. cos i hvnt blogged in a week, n it seems so much longer than that, cos there seems to have been so many things happening this week.

well for one, it was tournament week, n vj crashed out at the expense of CJC. well, not unexpected lar, but disappointing. probably more disappointing for MJ though, cos even though they got the pleasure of thrashing us 5-0 afterwards, we dragged them out with us. n they've got a good team.

anw, i played singles against mj. n rumour has it the guy i played with actually slightly frightened quite a good player before me. so not much shame. i dont think i can ask for more, except for the honour of not being given under-5 in both sets (it was 15-4, 15-4) but okay lar.
note: i havent played a singles match in competition since sec 1. n then it was pretty much play play one.

on a brighter note, im free from badminton commitments already, and im ready to embrace it as a game rather than a sport. willingly.

today i realised that if i go on a scholarship, i hv no control over what i become in my future, even though i probably hv control over what company i would work for, or what course i'll take in Uni. meaning, i could study engineering for 5 years, onli to undertake a profession that doesnt have ANYTHING to do with engineering.

having second thoughts abt even trying for a scholarship.

oh i got interesting programmes on my com already, can design websites! namely gps website. if colin djpang doesnt manage to complete his, i mean.

missed a lot of lessons this past few weeks. must catch up.

okay so finally on to today!
AndSS had a holiday today because of various achievements. congrats to all andersonians. so that left my fave niece joy joy bored at home. haha... so i made the poor girl come all the way down to parkway parade (sorry!) and jalan-jalan. walk-walk. not to mention eat, duh. i skipped half of physics S, cos well,
  • a) i couldnt understand anythg
  • b) i was too tired and lazy to understand anythg
  • c) hadnt really planned to even attend the lecture.

anw i went till 3pm. so more than half of the lecture.

i made joyjoy a bad girl. brought her to a POOL place. haha... classic. well, everyone has to hv that experience, rite? den went all the way back to bishan, where i was engulfed by the omnipresent Rafflesian atmosphere. smthg like that victorian atmosphere you might experience in Marine Parade, or Parkway for that matter.

Anw i had fun throwing cynical glances at innocent passing-by rafflesians, jus for fun of it. of course they didnt see la. i guess seeing rafflesians is a rarity, esp since i chose not to go to that sch, (altho its now 10mins away from home, drats).

Its friendly rivalry i guess, nothing more. and i saw a few scholar-friends of joy's. u might hv thought i hv had enough of scholars, being in a typical scholar class, but m'sian scholars
(except YTH) count as singaporeans. haha... anywayz joy went out with one of them, jingzhi (not ngiam) n lived happily ever after. as far as i noe la. haha...

Overall Friday 13th turned out to be quite fun. n its even more pleasant knowing that well.

I can sleep in Tomorrow!!!!

no badminton u see. haha... n no pe. haha...

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