At least 50 other Year 3 MSE students to a 99% confidence interval.
55 to a 90% confidence interval.
And no, I didn't sign up for Statistics. Which, on hindsight, would have been the intelligent choice upon dropping this Year 3 - infested module. Not that I'm against them, even if I did use a word loaded with negativity. Its just that
- I don't know anyone. At all. Not even seen before.
- Everyone else has experience / knowledge that really ought to give a competitive advantage.
- My knowledge of the pre-requisite MLE1101 is fresher.
And mainly because the time for signing up for a replacement module is OVER.
More complaints about the unique combinations - I have two FYPs to complete, apparently. And I might actually have two Job attachments; though this second point, upon mulling over doesn't seem sensible. Though it would definitely be beneficial.
Good news is that I have four more years to deal with this - which means 2 more slots for me to fill up with internships, and perhaps one with a special semester. If absolutely necessary.
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