Wednesday, January 21

When Gravity is too Strong

This is general theory, littered with mistakes, but conceptually true.

When a star dies, it has this option. To collapse upon itself, and to become a black hole. The black hole is usually associated with emptiness, destruction and darkness.

I might have taken that path - imploding upon myself. Mainly because the alternative would be to explode. Supernova style. That's not me.

Now i know only emptiness, darkness, and destruction of myself. Perceivably (which ultimately is reality) let down by everything in my surroundings. Darkness - no spring in my step, no smile in my eyes. Empty, unfeeling.

We all have days when we feel it can't get any better. But my life feels like Walls Street.

And Walls Street doesnt seem to be kicking up anytime soon.

S0 we wait it out.

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