Saturday, October 11

Two Hoots

Recess is over, and so is mid years. And seemingly not everyone took my advice and stayed away from books over the recess. And pple, u will pay in years to come. Lethargy will soon take over.

And then we come to the state pple after the exam. We thought mr bell curve will help us. we thought he will moderate the marks to make our marks seem nicer. But he's giving us hell. pple can get 18/20 for exam and still be disappointed cos the mean is 17 (i'm not talking abt myself). but i guess thats an intro to uni life - that we're all part of this big group called mediocrity. We could study hard, and get A-. Thats great. But if we'd barely given two hoots, we might hv got B or B+.

So far from what i hear from seniors, sooner or later pple lull into a disconcertment of the whole system, knowing that ultimately how successful u are in the future doesnt depend on how good a degree you get. Case in example - bill gates.

This is jus case in point to show that the smartest people in the world dont need to go to university. If they did, they might not even get full cap score. But their brain definitely works like clockwork etc.

IF mid years were any indication of how final year would go, i'm actually fine. i can rest peacefully. Sometimes i'm glad that i'm not as ambitious as people think i am. I'll probably be glad with jus 4.9 in the end.

Yes, duh i'm joking.

Alvin (my seniior) said that people all come into uni thinking they can score cap 5.0 in the end. Seriously?? Pls pple.. tell me.. did you think you'd get cap 5.0 when u were in year one? or do you stil think you can get that score? i'm curious.

I know i'm nt getting it. probably heading for a C in marketing and management. So not a biz student. Hopefully can acclimatise to biz before the year is up... before the semester is up as welll..

I'm glad i went for army. NS seems to hv sapped ambition from me. Mb the taste of the real world did that. ah whatever..

Live Happy~ Wheeeee!

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