Liverpool has lost the Champions' League Final. Oh well, the consolation is that we won it 2 years ago when we never should have won it. whatever.
My life is slack. I realise that now. A good and well-used life has little or no breathing space. So i shall pack my life a bit more (nevermind the initial repercussions) so that i get used to uni life. Or life in general actually.
Besides, we only have one life innit? Best to make use of it fully.
Today also marks a sad beginning. Its the beginning of the holidays. And that brings along the realisation that I don't have holidays. I am going UPSHIFT tomorrow. What a beginning to the holidays. And i looked at my calendar, it seems i'm packed for this june. At least the early part.
The later part of the june holidays I'm free-er i hope. I think its something to do with my Malacca trip!! So excited. Malaysia rocks. The prices, the foods, etc.
Btw, i'm in Malacca from 14-17 June.
On a more serious/disappointing note, I'm going upshift tmr... And the coming shift seems to be a very hardworkign shift. Sadly..
But on the more positive note, i'll be watching pirates on downshift!!! Can't wait.
i hope...
Anw, need to go.
After all, I'm busy! Wahaha..
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