Friday, April 7

Chao-Keng Warrior...

One more week down. One less week before i get condemned posted to a new unit, where i shall serve the rest of my two-year - wrong - 1 yr 10mth sentence... Anw, i think i've just passed the most hectic week in this whole 8-week course. Unless one considers next week, which happens to be where all the tests seem to be concentrated. And the fact that the TextBooks are apparently not supposed to be seen being taken out of camp, its harder to study at home, especially if one has a transparent/translucent bag. But then, i think nobody in my platoon carries a transparent/translucent bag lah..

Anw, even so, i've fallen ill for the second consecutive weekend, so i probably would only be able to be resting in bed these two days. or three, if i decide to take up the noble vocation as a chao-keng warrior.. (and take MC on monday lah..)

But well, i know myself. Chao-keng is so not my business.. I mean, I went for two exercises with a fever after barely recovering from a fever.. and one of them was a "whole day till the next morning" sorta exercise.. which of course would explain why the fever came back today..

Anw, falling ill on the weekend is soo ma-fan.. firstly, i hv to sms everybody arnd and cancel whatever plans i had made over the weekend. then i hv to erase/cancel all the entries in my diary for the weekend. then i hv to sob over the fact that i cannot go out over the weekend. then i hv to curse myself "why couldnt i hv fallen ill on monday instead?".. troublesome..

then i realise that i've to stay home with insolent siblings erf.. wrong. sibling.

I wonder when i'll recover. To tell the truth, when i started to feel ill, i didnt take my temperature- i didnt dare. i knew what the temperature would be like. and suddenly i realise that i know how i feel at particular temperatures... i KNEW i was post-39deg even though i didnt use any thermometer.

Which also makes me realise how often i've fallen sick this year. and this after the proud 4-yr-without illness at anderson sec. I can tell my temperature by little symptoms.. eg..

  • If i don't feel cold, i'm either <37>39. why? because past 39, your body radiates enough heat to warm up the surrounding air so you don't feel cold.. bullshit? i think its true.. sure there's smthg in the laws of thermal equilibrium to support my (far-fetched) theory..
  • My mind starts to rush uncontrollably when i'm past 39.2. why? because controlling my vast mind is hard work, and after 39.2 my brain cannot control my mind no more.. hurhur.. fine.. i'm not gg to attemt to prove that far-fetched theory..
  • When i'm past 39.6, i start to feel very very cold again..

so from all that evidence above i concluded i was 39.3 deg. anw, i think its damn scary if one were to use a digital temperature when one has a high temperature.. i mean, imagine (i neednt) the temperature shown on the thermometer jumping from 37.0 to 37.5 in one beep.. THAT is enough to scare the shit out of me lah, cos seriously, that wld imply that my temp is quite high.. anw i think i can recover by tmr!! righhttt..

aiyah very xian lah..

go exercise oso i lose my temper so many times.. sad case lah.. damned forthright, over-confident, condescending presences.. Go bloody OCS and learn how to command properly.. and u might know how mad i am that i am taking it out here @UVlight.. i normally hv the decency to conceal my dissatisfaction with pple.. but seriously, that exercise was a torture..

think i know whats wrong - i'm onli serious when i'm in a situation where i think i need to be serious. unfortunately in the wayang organisation where i work, i rarely see the need to be serious.. whereas there are others, so blatantly opposite from me who see the need to perpetually be serious and clinging on to the glimmer of non-existent hope of progressing in the military hierarchy. Why can't we accept that we have been condemned to the trenches of military hierarchy (and of the battlefield)..

there is no way u'd see us wearing crabs on our lapels telling pple with nothing on their lapels to rush in front of us to take the bullet for us.. urgh..

all right.. over and out..

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