Sunday, February 19

Hawk and More Hawk

Quite weird that the shiongness reputation of these two companies that differ by merely one syllable (2 letters) can be on so opposite extremes of the shiongness scale. So after being frightened out of my pants from the entertaining tales from MoHawk company, Hawk company's field camp paled in comparison to what i had envisioned.

Well so there was some minor erm.. problems. Some assholes (or rather one asshole) that couldnt be controlled. Note, i'm not calling anyone an asshole in the above statement. Well, not directly at least..

But rather, when i say assholes that cannot be controlled, i'm moreso talking about pple who shit all over the place. Common sense and commander sense alike wld tell u that if u want to shit, cover it up. But nooo.. Some pple/person nearly got the WHOLE freaking company confined for the weekend. The LONG weekend. As if the Fall-in, Everything-in-Everything-out, Full-Battle-Order Push-ups, numerous Skeletal-Battle-Order Push-ups, and major scolding directed at the whole company werent enough..

And even with the company staring down a company-level confinement, the serial-shitter (who rumour abound say is from the top-level platoon) didnt own up, even in private. hmmm..

Lucky our OC is a kind and forgiving man.. i think i was tearing with relief when he said the confinement was lifted. which jus goes to show jus how NOT cut out for OCS yours truly is.. sedih..

Anw, whatever lah..

Oh but i've only got 3 more weeks. or even less.. and its quite scary.. soon we'll be moving on to the greener pastures of OCS, SISPEC, or (for me) unit.. and by greener i mean more shiong, more field camps, more jungle, more no.4s, more crap etc..

Especially OCS. but i think i want to go SISPEC.. hehe..

okay cheers~ n peace..=)

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