Tuesday, November 22

Five Ba(re)d Facts...

Yes, i know i still have physics s.. but do i look like i care? maths s was as i FEARED in my nightmares it wld be. arff how horrid. do you know a random point is that its said that u cant read in your sleep bcos u dream with ur right brain n read with ur left.. quite cool..

except that i've read in my sleep before. take that, u scientists and whoever else.. maybe i'm smart.. hahaha.. =P

Okay, anw, KJBow tagged me to do some 5-random-things-abt-me thingie, n it goes that the 5 pple that i tag to do it have to do it too.. i.e. jus write down five random things abt u..

i'm onli doing this because i'm tagged first.. hurhur..

So lets see..

one: I sometimes exercise during baths. yes. it maximises time usage, plus i don get sweaty. yes, i know its unhealthy.

dua: when i hear music sumtimes i shadow play imaginarily on a shadow piano. yes its quite fun..

mune: i like to make up words periodically. yes u just saw it right?..

vier: i sumtimes enjoy typing in the symbol font. I know it can get rather annoying but its quite fun to try and decipher it. anyone share this enjoyment with me?

lastly: i enjoy hanging upside down.. haha.. yes quirky.

okie.. cheerios~ have fun reading abt my quirkiness.. haha..

and oh yah.. those five unlucky souls who are tagged to continue this chain and write smthg abt themselves are...

...drum roll please...
  1. vibha
  2. joy
  3. walaa
  4. sha
  5. N. (whoever)

up to u if u want to do it.. but seriously.. its quite fun examining your quirky self.. =P

cheers~ n peace

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